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'Picture frame' fibres in a carrier of the trait for malignant hyperpyrexia.

A member of a family which was known to be susceptible to malignant hyperpyrexia, who was identified as a carrier by the presence of an elevated serum creatine-phosphokinase, has been investigated further. Muscle was examined biochemically, and the study included the sarcoplasmic ATPase-activity, actinomycin, Mg2+ ATPase activity, ATP, phosphocreatine and glucose-6-phosphate. In addition, the calcium uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum was studied. The histochemical analysis of the muscle revealed the presence of a new fibre type characterised by a dense rim of ATPase activity, which gives the impression of a 'picture-frame'. Ultramicroscopic study revealed changes in the mitochondria and areas of myofibrillar disruption with swelling of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
H Isaacs, J J Heffron, M Badenhorst

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