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Search results for: Development of small molecule biosensors by coupling the recognition of the bacterial allosteric transcription factor with isothermal strand displacement amplification.


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Development of small molecule biosensors by coupling the recognition of the bacterial allosteric transcription factor with isothermal strand displacement amplification.

Here, we demonstrate an easy-to-implement and general biosensing strategy by coupling the small-molecule recognition of the bacterial allosteric transcription factor (aTF) with isothermal strand displacement amplification (SDA) in vitro. Based on this strategy, we developed two biosensors for the detection of an antiseptic, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and a disease marker, uric acid, using bacterial aTF HosA and HucR, respectively, highlighting the great potential of this strategy for the development of small-molecule biosensors.
Yongpeng Yao, Shanshan Li, Jiaqian Cao, Weiwei Liu, Keqiang Fan, Wensheng Xiang, Keqian Yang, Deming Kong, Weishan Wang

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