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Search results for: Rabbit anti Glucose transporter 3 polyclonal Anti


#21697425   // To Up

Transepithelial D-glucose and D-fructose transport across the American lobster, Homarus americanus, intestine.

Transepithelial transport of dietary D-glucose and d-fructose was examined in the lobster Homarus americanus intestine using D-[(3)H]glucose and D-[(3)H]fructose. Lobster intestines were mounted in a perfusion chamber to determine transepithelial mucosal to serosal (MS) and serosal to mucosal (SM) transport mechanisms of glucose and fructose. Both MS glucose and fructose transport, as functions of luminal sugar concentration, increased in a hyperbolic manner, suggesting the presence of mucosal transport proteins. Phloridizin inhibited the MS flux of glucose, but not that of fructose, suggesting the presence of a sodium-dependent (SGLT1)-like glucose co-transporter. Immunohistochemical analysis, using a goat anti-rabbit GLUT5 polyclonal antibody, revealed the localization of a brush border GLUT5-like fructose transport protein. MS fructose transport was decreased in the presence of mucosal phloretin in warm spring/summer animals, but the same effect was not observed in cold autumn/winter animals, suggesting a seasonal regulation of sugar transporters. Mucosal phloretin had no effect on MS glucose transport. Both SM glucose and SM fructose transport were decreased in the presence of increasing concentrations of serosal phloretin, providing evidence for the presence of a shared serosal GLUT2 transport protein for the two sugars. The transport of d-glucose and d-fructose across lobster intestine is similar to sugar uptake in mammalian intestine, suggesting evolutionarily conserved absorption processes for these solutes.
Ijeoma E Obi, Kenneth M Sterling, Gregory A Ahearn

1974 related Products with: Transepithelial D-glucose and D-fructose transport across the American lobster, Homarus americanus, intestine.

200ul200ul200ul250ul500 Units2x96 well plate1,000 tests480/kit200ug 500 ml 100ug

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#17641093   // To Up

Effects of cryopreservation on semen quality and the expression of sperm membrane hexose transporters in the spermatozoa of Iberian pigs.

This study evaluated the effects of cooling, freezing and thawing on the plasma membrane integrity, kinetics and expression of two sugar transporters glucose transporter-3 and -5 (GLUT-3 and GLUT-5) in spermatozoa from Iberian boars. Semen samples were collected twice weekly from eight young, fertile Iberian boars of the 'Entrepelado' and 'LampiƱo' breeds. The samples were suspended in a commercial extender and refrigerated to 17 degrees C for transport to the laboratory (step A), where they were further extended with a lactose-egg yolk-based extender and chilled to 5 degrees C (step B) prior to freezing in the presence of glycerol (3%). Spermatozoa were assessed for plasma membrane integrity and sperm motility at each of the steps, including post-thaw (step C). Aliquots were also prepared for immunocytochemical localisation of the sugar transporters (fixed and thin smears for transmission and scanning electron microscopy levels respectively) and for SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and subsequent western blotting, using the same antibodies (rabbit anti-GLUT-3 and anti-GLUT-5 polyclonal antibodies). The results showed lower percentages of progressively motile spermatozoa at step C in both breeds, while the percentage of live spermatozoa was significantly lower only in the 'Entrepelado' breed. The results obtained from electron microscopy clearly showed that Iberian boar spermatozoa expressed the hexose transporters, GLUT-3 and GLUT-5. The pattern of expression, in terms of location and concentration, was characteristic in each case but, in the case of isoform GLUT-5, it remained constant during the different steps of freezing-thawing protocol. These results indicate that cryopreservation affects the status of sperm cells of Iberian boars by altering the distribution of some membrane receptors and decreasing the percentage values of parameters linked to sperm quality.
S Sancho, I Casas, H Ekwall, F Saravia, H Rodriguez-Martinez, J E Rodriguez-Gil, E Flores, E Pinart, M Briz, N Garcia-Gil, J Bassols, A Pruneda, E Bussalleu, M Yeste, S Bonet

1631 related Products with: Effects of cryopreservation on semen quality and the expression of sperm membrane hexose transporters in the spermatozoa of Iberian pigs.

5 G11 ml100 IU

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#8646755   // To Up

Subcellular distribution of glucose transporter (GLUT-1) during development of the blood-brain barrier in rats.

Electron microscopy was used to quantify the subcellular distribution of the GLUT-1 isoform of the glucose transporter in developing microvessels of the brain of embryonic rats from E (embryonic stage) 13 to E19 and in adult rats. Gold-conjugated secondary antibodies were used to localize, on ultrathin sections of brain, a rabbit polyclonal antiserum (anti-GLUT-1) raised against a synthetic peptide encoding 13 amino acids of the C-terminus of the human glucose transporter. Staining was weak at E13 but increased in density during development into adulthood. The increase represented an increase in the absolute amount of transporter per vessel profile, with a concomitant decrease in vessel size with the narrowing of the wall. At early stages, the percentages of total particles per profile of lumenal membrane, ablumenal membrane, and cytoplasm were approximately equivalent. The ratio of lumenal to ablumenal particle density then shifted from below 1 at E13 to above 2 at E19 and to 4 in the adult. In contrast, vessels of the choroid plexus were devoid of labeling, but the choroid plexus epithelium stained as early as E15. In the brain, no astrocytes, neurons, or pericytes were stained at any stage examined. Developmental upregulation of the GLUT-1 glucose transporter therefore seems to occur at the blood-brain barrier, and the modulation of the subcellular distribution of the transporter can be correlated with other observed changes in the microvessels as they develop the blood-brain barrier phenotype.
S Bolz, C L Farrell, K Dietz, H Wolburg

2296 related Products with: Subcellular distribution of glucose transporter (GLUT-1) during development of the blood-brain barrier in rats.

96 tests200ul96 tests 100 UG300 units

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