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Search results for: GAP43(Ab 41) Antibody Host Species Rabbit polyclonal


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Monospecific polyclonal anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies to the carboxyterminal undecapeptide of the SV40 large tumour antigen.

The murine monoclonal antibody PAb1605 defines an epitope, peptide Lys(698)-Thr(708) (KT), on the carboxyterminus of the tumour(T)antigen of SV40-transformed cells. In vivo and in vitro experiments had shown that this sequence represents an epitope for both humoral and cellular immune responses. When injected into rabbits PAb1605 induces anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab-2). Ab-2 beta (internal image type) was purified by adsorption chromatography and characterized by the ability of KT to compete with the binding of ab-2 with ab-1. Murine anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies (ab-3) were obtained by immunization of mice with ab-2 beta. Both ab-1 and ab-3 JgG showed affinities to immunoprecipitated SV40 T antigen by immunoblot analysis and to nuclear SV40 T antigen by the immunofluorescence assay. The binding of ab-3 to SV40 T antigen was completely inhibited by competition with KT. We conclude that the polyclonal ab-3 is of the ab-3 subtype and specific for only one epitope which is represented by KT and defined by ab-1. The results demonstrate that the specificity for a defined peptide epitope of an antibody was conserved even after two consecutive steps of anti-idiotypic-antibody formation in two host species. Since this postulate of network theory could be verified for a sequence of a tumour-associated antigen which represents a B- and T cell epitope, this model is of great interest for further tumour immunological studies.
H T Agostini, B Gerstenecker, C Haessler, D G Braun, G Brandner, R D Hess

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1 ml100 1 ml0.1 mg0.2 mg1 mg2 mL100.00 ug100 μg

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