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Search results for: Rabbit Anti-Human CASP3 Antibodies


#24828460   2014/05/15 To Up

Polyclonal rabbit anti-human ovarian cancer globulins inhibit tumor growth through apoptosis involving the caspase signaling.

Most women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage and there are few therapeutic options. Recently, monoclonal antibody therapies have had limited success, thus more effective antibodies are needed to improve long-term survival. In this report, we prepared polyclonal rabbit anti-ovarian cancer antibody (Poly Ab) by immunizing rabbits with the human ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3. The Poly Ab bound to SKOV3 and inhibited the cancer cells proliferation. Western blot analysis was conducted, which indicated that Poly Ab inhibited cancer cells through apoptosis involving the caspase signaling pathway including caspase-3 and caspase-9. Finally, compared with the control antibody, administration of Poly Ab reached 64% and 72% tumor inhibition in the subcutaneous and intraperitoneal xenograft mouse model, respectively. Our findings suggest that Poly Ab is an effective agent for apoptosis induction and may be useful as a safe anticancer agent for ovarian cancer therapy.
Shuang Zhang, Min Yu, Hongxin Deng, Guobo Shen, Yuquan Wei

1114 related Products with: Polyclonal rabbit anti-human ovarian cancer globulins inhibit tumor growth through apoptosis involving the caspase signaling.

0.1 mg0.1 mg100ug Lyophilized0.1 mg100ug Lyophilized100 0.1 mg100μl100μl100ug Lyophilized100ug Lyophilized100ug Lyophilized

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#11277999   // To Up

Hypericin photo-induced apoptosis involves the tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and activation of caspase-8.

Hypericin (HYP) is a photosensitizing pigment from Hypericum perforatum that displays cytotoxic effects in neoplastic cell lines. Therefore, HYP is presently under consideration as a new anticancer drug in photodynamic therapy. Here, we investigated the mechanism of action of HYP photo-induced apoptosis of Jurkat cells compared to the cytostatic drug paclitaxel (PXL). Both photoactivated HYP and PXL similarly increased the activity of caspase-8 and caspase-3, and drug-induced apoptosis of Jurkat cells was completely blocked by inhibitors of caspase-8 (Z-IETD-FMK) and caspase-3 (Z-DEVD-FMK). The involvement of death receptors was analyzed using neutralizing monoclonal antibodies against Fas (SM1/23), FasL (NOK-2) and TNF-R1 (MAB225), and a polyclonal rabbit anti-human TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) antiserum. TRAIL antibody blocked TRAIL-induced and HYP photo-induced, but not PXL-induced apoptosis of Jurkat cells. In contrast, PXL-induced, but not HYP-induced apoptosis was blocked by the SM1/23 and NOK-2 antibodies. Anti-TNF-R1 antibody had no effect. These findings suggest that HYP photo-induced apoptosis of Jurkat cells is mediated in part by the TRAIL/TRAIL-receptor system and subsequent activation of upstream caspases.
C M Schempp, B Simon-Haarhaus, C C Termeer, J C Simon

1499 related Products with: Hypericin photo-induced apoptosis involves the tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and activation of caspase-8.

1 mg96T100ul100 ug100 ug100 ug100 ug100ul0.1 mg100 Tests100 ug5ug

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