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Search results for: AccuPrep Genomic DNA Extraction Kit Whole human blood, lymphocytes, mammalian tissues, cultured cells


#32134899   2020/05/01 To Up

Oral Human Papillomavirus: a multisite infection.

The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) has different strategies for persist in the cells. This characteristic has led us to consider the presence of the virus in tissues of the oral cavity that had no clinical signs of infection. The aim of this study was to detect the presence of DNA-HPV at multiple sites of the oral cavity.
M-I Criscuolo, R-A Morelatto, P-A Belardinelli, J-M Mosmann, C Cuffini, S-A López de Blanc

2739 related Products with: Oral Human Papillomavirus: a multisite infection.

100ul100ug0.5 mg500 0.1 mg100.00 ug200 100ul100 ug100 100 100ul

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