Cat Number Product name Supplier Quantity Price Tech More
UT1001 Endometrial cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 25 cases 100 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T093 Uterus cancer test tissue array, with normal endometrial tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
T091 Endometrial cancer test tissue array, with normal endometriual tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
LV1002 Liver cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
ST1003 Stomach cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
BR8014 Breast cancer and normal tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 40 cases 80 cores, replacing BR8012 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
LC20815 Lung cancer tissue array (4 of 5), including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
MC641 Multiple organ cancer and adjacent normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 59 cases 64 cores, replacing BC00115 US Biomax 0.00 € Publication
T153 Thyroid cancer test tissue array, with normal thyroid gland tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR1002 Tissue microarray of breast cancer and normal tissue, 97 cases 100 cores, with stage and grade information US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
CR602 Tissue array of uterine cervical disease spectrum (cervical cancer, CIN, inflammation and adjacent normal tissue), 60 cases 60 cores, replacing CR601 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
M1579 pCAMBIA0105.1R Vector, (GusPlus™ No Bacterial Selection Streptomycin Resistant Plant Expression Vector), Restriction sites for modular plasmid modifications, pUC18 poly-linker for adding DNA of intere MarkerGene 186.00 € Publication
T045b Lung cancer test tissue array, with normal control tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing T045 US Biomax 99.00 € Publication
LV2089 Liver cancer survey tissue array (1 of 3), with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
BR964 Breast cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases 96 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 228.00 € Publication
ES808 Esophagus cancer and normal tissue array, with TNM and grade info, 78 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T231 Testis cancer test tissue array, with normal testis control tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR2085a High density (188 cases 208 cores), multiple types of breast cancer of infiltrating ductal, lobular carcinoma and normal breast tissue array, replaced by BR2085c. US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
KD2089 Kidney cancer survey tissue array (5 of 5), including TNM and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T083 Breast cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
LV723 Liver cancer and adjacent normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 72 cases 72 cores, replacing BC03013 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
PA2082 High density pancreatic cancer and normal tissue array, with stage and grade info, 101 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
FMC402b Multiple organ cancer frozen tissue array, with normal tissue, including pathology grade, 40 cases 40 cores, replacing FMC402a; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 626.00 € Publication
LP208 High density larynx and pharynx cancer tissue array with normal tissue (69 cases 208 core) including stage and grade data US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T111 Ovary cancer test tissue array, with normal ovary control tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CR2083 Uterine cervical cancer and cancer adjacent normal tissue survey tissue array (1 of 5), including TNM and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
LVC482 Liver cancer and normal tissue array, with TNM and grade info, non overlapping with LVC481, 16 cases 48 cores US Biomax 166.00 € Publication
PA961a Pancreatic cancer tissue array with normal pancreatic tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 96 cases 96 cores, replacing PA961; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
T011 Stomach cancer test tissue array, with TNM and grade info, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
T022 Esophageal cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BC04011 Lung cancer tissue array, including pathology grade, 23 cases 63 cores, replaced by LC721; ihc Anti-Cytokeratin (CK) confirmed US Biomax 185.00 € Publication
CO2161 Colon cancer and normal colon tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 216 cases 216 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
HN242a Head and neck cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing HN242; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
OV484 Ovarian cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
BR803a Breast cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing BR803; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
ES721 Esophagus cancer and normal tissue array with TNM and grade info, 24 cases 72 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
LC2085b High density (208 cores), multiple types of lung cancer (grade 1 3) tissue array with normal lung and cancer adjacent tissue, and staging info, 188 cases 208 cores (duplicate of LC2085a) US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
MC802 Multiple cancer tissue array with matched or unmatched normal control, replacing BC00115, 44 cases 80 cores, with grade information US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T173a Brain cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores, replacing T173; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
BR1008 Breast cancer, carcinoma metastasize to lymph nodes and adjacent normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 100 cases 100 cores, replacing BC08212 US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
KD1921 Mid advanced stage kidney cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 96 cases 192 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T052 Colon cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
ST801a Stomach cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal stomach tissue, including TNM and clinical stage, 40 cases 80 cores, replacing ST801; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 267.00 € Publication
LC807 Lung cancer and normal tissue array, with TNM and grade info, 77 cases 80 cores, replacing BC04014 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T262 Bone cancer test tissue array, with normal control tissue, including TNM and clinical stage, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR2161 Breast cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 216 cases 216 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
DI0162 BTC & ERBB2 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
KD484 Kidney cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
PR8010 Prostate cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing PR802 US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T087a Breast cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores, replacing T087; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
BL1921 Mid advanced stage bladder cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 96 cases 192 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
LV8012 Mid advanced stage liver cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T0012 Multiple organ cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
FMC408 Multiple organ cancer frozen tissue array, including TNM and clinical stage, 40 cases 40 cores US Biomax 167.00 € Publication
LP804 Laryngeal cancerous, cancer adjacent and normal tissue array, with grade and stage info, 40 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
OV20813 Ovary cancer tissue array (4 of 4), including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
RE1021 Rectum cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 102 cases 102 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
T121 Bladder cancer test tissue array, with normal bladder tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CR2089 Cervix cancer survey tissue array (2 of 2), including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T141 Pancreatic cancer test tissue array, with normal pancreas control tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR041 Breast cancer tissue array with HER2 IHC control, including TNM and pathology grade, 4 cases 4 cores, replaced by BR042a US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CR245 Cervical cancer tissue array with matched adjacent cervical tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 105.00 € Publication
T034 Liver cancer test tissue array (4x (2x3) array) including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
BC05118 Colon cancer and matched adjacent normal tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
CO244 Colon cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 24 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
HN803a Multiple head and neck cancer tissue array with normal tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing HN803; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
LV2083 High density liver cancer tissue array with normal tissues, with stage and grade info, 69 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
ST482 Multiple stomach cancer tissue array with 4 normal tissues control from autopsy (24 caeas 48 cores), with stage and grade info US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
TP482 Top 4 types of cancer (colon, breast, lung and prostate) tissue microarray, 22 cases 48 cores, plus grade, stage and Gleason Score information US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
ES8011 Esophageal cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, TNM and grade info, 40 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T195a Prostate cancer test tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing T195; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 105.00 € Publication
BR1505 Breast cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage, pathology grade and IHC markers (ER, PR, Her-2, AR and Ki67) results, 75 cases 150 cores, no overlaps with BR1503 or BR1504; ihc Anti-Actin US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
KD2082 High density kidney cancer tissue array with normal tissues, with TNM and grade info, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T071 Kidney cancer test tissue array, with normal renal tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
UT242a Endometrium cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 24 cases 24 cores US Biomax 100.00 € Publication
BC12011a Bladder cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 63 cases 63 cores, replacing BC12011; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 162.00 € Publication
PA1003 Pancreas cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM and pathology grade, 25 cases 100 cores US Biomax 314.00 € Publication
ST962 Stomach cancer tissue array, including clinical stage, TNM and pathology grade, 48 cases 96 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 228.00 € Publication
T421 Small intestine cancer test tissue array, with normal small intestine tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR243d Breast cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal breast tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores, replacing BR243c; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
DI0167 GRAP2 & ERBB2 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
KD804 Multiple types of kidney cancer and normal, adjacent normal tissue array, 80 cases 80 cores, with stage and grade information US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
PR807a Prostate cancer, hyperplasia and normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 79 cases 80 cores, replacing PR807; ihc Anti-Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) confirmed US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
BL242 Bladder cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 24 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
CR1003 Cervix cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
LV962 Liver cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases 96 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
PA801 Multiple pancreatic cancer tissue array with unmatched normal adjacent tissue, with stage and grade info, 70 cases 80 cores, replaced by PA802 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T004 Multiple organ cancer and normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CO2001 Colon cancer high density tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 196 cases 200 core US Biomax 397.00 € Publication
OV2086 Ovary cancer survey tissue array (2 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
TH721 Thyroid cancer and normal tissue array with clinical stage and grade info, 24 cases 72 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
ES1002 Esophageal cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
BR8013 Advanced breast cancer and normal tissue array, with stage, TNM and pathology grade info, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
LC20814 Lung cancer tissue array (3 of 5), including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
RE722 Rectal cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal tissue, including stage and grade info, 24 cases 72 cores, replacing BC06022 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T151 Thyroid cancer test tissue array, with normal thyroid control tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR10010a Breast cancer and matched metastatic carcinoma tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, with ER, PR and Her-2 (neu) IHC results, 50 cases 100 cores, replacing BR10010; ihc Anti-Actin confirme US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
PR1001 Prostate cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 25 cases 100 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T045 Lung cancer test tissue array, with normal control tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replaced by T045b US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CO486 Colon cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 48 cases 96 cores US Biomax 397.00 € Publication
LV2088 Liver cancer survey tissue array (5 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
OV809 Ovary cancer and normal tissue array, with stage and grade info, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
ST485 Stomach cancer and matched adjacent tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 16 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
ES807 Esophageal cancer and normal tissue array, with stage and grade info, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T223 Penis cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR2083 High density breast cancer tissue array with normal tissue, stage and grade info, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
KD2088 Kidney cancer survey tissue array (4 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
PR633 Prostate cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 63 cases 63 cores, replacing PR8010; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
T082 Breast cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, stage and grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replaced by T084 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
UT961 Endometrium cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases 96 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 228.00 € Publication
PA2081 Pancreatic disease spectrum (pancreatic cancer progression) tissue array with pathology grade and TNM information, 101 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
FMC402a Multiple organ cancer frozen tissue array, with normal tissue, including pathology grade, 40 cases 40 cores, replaced by FMC402b; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 626.00 € Publication
LC961 Lung cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases 96 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
BR247 Breast cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 24 cases 48 cores, 2 sections sllide US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
T104 Cervical cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
CR2082 High density cervical cancer tissue array with normal tissues, with stage and grade info, 69 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
PA961 Pancreatic cancer and normal tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 96 cases 96 cores US Biomax 278.00 € Publication
T009 Multiple organ cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
LV1001 Liver cancer antibody screening array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 25 cases 100 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
OV241a Ovary cancer and adjacent normal tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing OV241; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 105.00 € Publication
T021 Esophageal cancer tissue array, with normal tissues, TNM and grade info, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
LV208 Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) and normal tissue high density (69 cases 208 cores) tissue microarray, with stage and grade info US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
OV483 Multiple ovarian cancer tissue array with normal tissue control from autopsy, 48 cases 48 cores, with stage and grade info US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
ST2082 High density stomach cancer tissue array with normal tissues, with stage and grade info, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
ES483 Esophagus cancer and matched adjacent tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 16 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
MC8010 Multiple organ cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 278.00 € Publication
T173 Brain cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR1007 Breast cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 25 cases 100 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
KD1501 Kidney cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 75 cases 150 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
T051 Colon cancer test tissue array, with normal colon tissues as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CO721 Colon cancer tissue array with stage and grade info, 24 cases 72 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
ST8015 Stomach cancer and adjacent normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
LC726a Lung cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 72 cases 72 cores, replacing LC726; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 228.00 € Publication
T261 Bone and cartilage cancer test tissue array, with normal bone and cartilage tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
DI0161 PTK2 & ERBB2 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
T086b Breast cancer test tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing T086a; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
BL1501 Bladder cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 75 cases 150 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
PA243 Pancreas cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 24 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
T0011 Multiple organ cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
FMC407b Multiple organ cancer frozen tissue array, including TNM information, 40 cases 40 cores, replacing FMC407; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 626.00 € Publication
OV20812 Ovary cancer tissue array (3 of 4), including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
SO482 Soft tissue cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
BR485 Breast cancer and normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 48 cases 96 cores US Biomax 397.00 € Publication
EMC1502 Endometrial cancer mid density tissue array, non overlapping with EMC1501, 75 caese 150 cores US Biomax 225.00 € Publication
T113a Ovary cancer test tissue array with normal ovary tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores, replacing T113; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
BL806 Bladder cancer tissue array, with adjacent normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing BL801 US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
CR2088 Cervix cancer survey tissue array (1 of 2), with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
CR244 Uterine cervix cancer tissue array, with adjacent normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing CR241 US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
T033 Liver cancer test tissue array, with normal liver tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BC05115 Colon cancer, metastasize to lymph node and liver, and normal tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 68 cases 69 cores, replaced by CO702 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
HN803 Head and neck squamous cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
LV2082 Liver cancer tissue array with normal tissues, with TNM and grade info, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
OV701 Ovary cancer tissue array, with adjacent normal tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 70 cases 70 cores, replacing BC111110; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 228.00 € Publication
ST481 Stomach cancer tissue array with corresponding (self matching) normal adjacent tissues (12 cases 48 cores), with stage and grade info US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
ES8010 Esophageal cancer and adjacent normal tissue array, with TNM and grade info, 40 cases 80 cores, replacing ES801 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
LC243 Lung cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 24 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
T194 Prostate cancer test tissue array, with normal control tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replaced by T195 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR1503a Breast cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 75 cases 150 cores, with IHC results of Her-2, ER, PR, AR, P53 and Ki67, 75 cases 150 cores, replacing BR1503; ihc Anti- US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
KD20812 Kidney cancer survey tissue array (3 of 3), including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T063 Rectum cancer test tissue array, with normal rectum tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
UT242 Endometrium cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 24 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
BC111110 Ovary cancer tissue array, with adjacent normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 70 cases 70 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
CO807 Advanced colon cancer tissue array, with stage and grade info, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
PA1002 Pancreas cancer tissue array for antibody screening, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
ST812 Stomach cancer tissue array with normal tissues from autopsy, with clinical stage (TNM) and pathology grade info, 40 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T413 Appendix cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR243c Breast cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal breast tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores, replaced by BR243d; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
DI0166 STAT1 & ERBB2 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
PR807 Prostate cancer, hyperplasia and normal tissue array, with stage (Gleason Scores) and grade info, 79 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T092 Endometrium cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
LV808 Liver cancer and normal tissue array, with stage and grade info, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T003 Multiple organ cancer and normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
AA0016 Cancer Apoptosis Phospho-Specific Array includes 155 highly specific and well-characterized phosphorylation antibodies in the Cancer Apoptosis pathway. Abnova 2 Pieces/Box 822.00 € Publication
OV2085 Ovary cancer survey tissue array (1 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
TH481 Thyroid cancer tissue array with unmatched normal adjacent tissues, 48 cases 48 cores, with grade and stage info US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
BR722 Breast disease spectrum tissue array, 66 cases 72 cores, including normal, precancerous and cancer in different stages US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
ES1001 Esophagus cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 25 cases 100 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
LC1502 Lung cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 75 cases 150 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
MC482 Multiple cancer (12 type) tissue microarray, 40 cases 48 cores, with stage and grade information US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
T125 Bladder cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
BR8012 Breast cancer and normal tissue array with stage and grade info, 40 cases 80 cores, replaced by BR8014 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
ES2082 High density esophageal cancer and normal tissue array, with TNM and grade info, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
LC20813 Lung cancer tissue array (2 of 5), including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T144 Pancreas cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
BR10010 Breast cancer and matched metastatic carcinoma tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores, replacing BR1004 US Biomax 314.00 € Publication
CR485 Cervix cancer and adjacent normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
PM2-ER ER Immunohistochemistry control tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade of breast cancer and IHC results of ER Ki67 PR Her-2, 10 cases 10 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 114.00 € Publication
T044 Lung cancer test tissue array, with normal control tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replaced by T045 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BC07014a Kidney cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 72 cases 72 cores, replacing BC07014; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 185.00 € Publication
CO485 Colon cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
LV2087 Liver cancer survey tissue array (4 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
ST484 Stomach cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
LC488 Lung cancer tissue array with matched adjacent lung tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 16 cases 48 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 185.00 € Publication
T221 Penis cancer test tissue array, with normal penis control tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
KD2087 Kidney cancer survey tissue array (3 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
PR632 Prostate cancer, hyperplasia with normal tissue array, with Gleason scores and stage information, 21cases 63 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T081 Breast cancer test tissue array, with normal breast tissues as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores, replaced by T085 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CO962 Colon cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases 96 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
BRN801a Breast adjacent normal tissue array with breast cancer tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing BRN801; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
OV1005a Ovary disease spectrum (ovarian cancer progression) tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 100 cases 100 cores, replacing OV1005; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 267.00 € Publication
SM802 Small intestine disease spectrum (small intestine cancer progression) tissue array, with grade, stage and TNM data, 72 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
BR246 Breast cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replaced by BR246a US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
T103 Cervical cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
VLC12 Lung cancer tissue array, with TNM and grade info, 12 cases 12 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 105.00 € Publication
BL482 Bladder cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
CR2081 High density cervix cancer tissue array with normal tissues, with stage and grade info, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
PA805a Pancreas cancer tissue array with adjacent normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing PA805; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
T008 Multiple organ cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CO2083 High density colon cancer tissue array with normal tissue, stage and grade info, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
TH802a Thyroid cancer and adenoma tissue array, including TNM and clinical stage, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing TH802; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 267.00 € Publication
BC01071a Multiple organ cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores, replacing BC01071; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 185.00 € Publication
CO2089 Colon cancer survey tissue array (4 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
HN241a Head and neck cancer tissue array with adjacent normal head and neck tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing HN241; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
OV482 Multiple ovarian cancer tissue array with 4 normal tissues control from autopsy, (24 cases 48 cores) with grade and stage info US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
BR8017 Middle advanced stage breast cancer tissue array, with metastasis tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
LC2084 High density Lung cancer tissue array with normal tissues, with stage and grade info, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
MC801 Multiple cancer tissue array, replacing BC00012, 80 cases 80 cores, with grade information US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T172 Brain cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR1005a Breast cancer and matched metastatic carcinoma of lymph node tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores, replacing BR1005; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
KD1002 Kidney cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T047 Non-small cell lung cancer test tissue array (4x (2x3)array) including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
BC081120 Breast cancer and adjacent normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 110 cases 110 cores, replacing BC081115 US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
CO702 Colon cancer tissue array, with metastasis tissue and adjacent normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 69 cases 69 cores, repalcing BC05115 US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
ST8014 Stomach cancer and normal tissue array, with stage and grade info, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
ES811 Esophageal cancer tissue array with normal tissues from autopsy, 40 cases 80 cores, plus grade and stage information US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
LC724 Lung cancer and adjacent normal tissue array, with TNM and grade info, 24 cases 72 cores, replacing BS04031 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T242 Soft tissue cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and clinical stage, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR2086 Breast cancer and normal tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores, replacing BR2001 US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
DI0160 JUP & ERBB2 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
KD243 Kidney cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 24 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
PR753 Prostate cancer and hyperplasia tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 75 cases 75 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T086 Breast cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing T084 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BL1002 Bladder cancer and normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
LV8010 Liver cancer and normal tissue array, with stage and grade info, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing BC03011; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
PA242a Pancreas cancer tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing PA242; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 105.00 € Publication
T0010 Multiple organ cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CLC601 Colon cancer and lung cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 60 cases 60 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
FMC407 Multiple organ cancer frozen tissue array, including TNM and clinical stage, 40 cases 40 cores US Biomax 331.00 € Publication
LP721 Laryngeal cancer and normal tissue array, with grade and TNM information, 24 cases 72 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
OV20811 Ovary cancer tissue array (2 of 4), including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
SO481 Soft tissue cancer tissue array with unmatched normal adjacent tissues, 48 cases 48 cores, with TNM information US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
BR484 Breast cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
EMC1501 Endometrial cancer mid density tissue array, non overlapping with EMC1502, 75 cases 150 cores US Biomax 225.00 € Publication
T113 Ovarian cancer test tissue array, with normal ovary tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BL805 Mid advanced stage bladder cancer tissue array, with metastasis tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
CR2087 Uterine cervical cancer tissue survey tissue array (5 of 5), including TNM and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T014 Stomach cancer test tissue array (4x (2x3)array), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
CR243 Uterine cervix cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 24 cases 48 cores, 2 sections slide US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
T032 Liver cancer test tissue array, with normal control tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BC051111 Colon cancer and normal tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 100 cases 200 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
HN483 Multiple head and neck cancer with normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores, replacing HN482 US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
LV20812 Liver tissue cancer tissue array, containing HBV infection, TNM and pathology grade information, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
TP241 Top 4 types of cancer (colon, breast, lung and prostate) tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 99.00 € Publication
LC2161 Lung cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 216 cases 216 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T193 Prostate cancer test tissue array, with normal prostate tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR1503 Breast cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, with IHC results of Her 2, ER, PR, P53 and Ki 67, 75 cases 150 cores, replacing BR1502 US Biomax 278.00 € Publication
KD20811 Kidney cancer survey tissue array (2 of 3), including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
PR243a Prostate cancer tissue array with adjacent normal prostate tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing PR243; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 105.00 € Publication
T061 Rectal cancer test tissue array, with normal rectal control tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
UT241 Uterine endometrial cancer tissue array with normal tissue from autopsy, 12 cases 24 cores, with TNM data US Biomax 100.00 € Publication
BC111109 Ovary cancer tissue array, with adjacent normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 70 cases 70 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
CO804a Colon cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores, replcing CO804; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 267.00 € Publication
BRC711 Human breast invasive ductal cancer tissue array, non overlapping with BRC491, 71 cases 72 cores US Biomax 142.00 € Publication
T343 Head & Neck cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
DI0165 OSMR & ERBB2 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
PA483a Pancreatic cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores, replacing PA483; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 185.00 € Publication
T002 Endocrine organ cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM and clinical stage, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CO1502 Colon cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 75 cases 150 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
SO8012 Soft tissue cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 40 cases 80 cores US Biomax 278.00 € Publication
TH242 Thyroid cancer tissue array with matched adjacent thyroid tissue, including TNM and clinical stage, 12 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
EN801a Endocrine cancer tissue array, including TNM and clinical stage, 40 cases 80 cores, replacing EN801; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
T124 Bladder cancer test tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing T122; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
BR727 Breast cancer and normal tissue array, with TNM, stage and grade info, 24 cases 72 cores, replacing BS08011 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
LC20812 Lung cancer tissue array (1 of 5), with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T143 Pancreatic cancer test tissue array, with normal pancreatic tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
T043 Lung cancer test tissue array, with normal lung tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BC07001 Kidney disease spectrum (kidney cancer progression) tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 40 cases 80 cores US Biomax 321.00 € Publication
CO484a Colon cancer tissue array with adjacent normal tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores, replacing CO484; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 210.00 € Publication
LV2086 Liver cancer survey tissue array (3 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
ST483b Stomach cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores, replacing ST483; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 210.00 € Publication
LC486 Lung cancer and matched adjacent lung tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 16 cases 48 cores US Biomax 188.00 € Publication
T213 Skin cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
KD2086 Kidney cancer survey tissue array (2 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
PR484 Prostate cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 24 cases 48 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 162.00 € Publication
T074 Kidney cancer test tissue array (4x (2x3)array), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
UT801 Endometrial disease spectrum (endometrial cancer progression) tissue array, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 278.00 € Publication
LV486 Liver cancer tissue array with matched adjacent tumor tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 16 cases 48 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
PA2072 Pancreas cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 69 cases 207 cores, replacing PA207 US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
FMC282a Multiple organ cancer frozen tissue array, including pathology grade, 28 cases 28 cores, replacing FMC282; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 394.00 € Publication
LC817 Lung cancer tissue array with matched lymph node metastatic tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 40 cases 80 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
OV1005 Ovarian disease spectrum (ovarian cancer progression) tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 100 cases 100 cores, replacing OV1001 US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
SM2081 Small intestine disease (cancer progression) spectrum tissue array, 95 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T461 Thymus cancer test tissue array, with normal control tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR244 Breast cancer tissue array with adjacent normal tissues, with TNM and grade info, 12 cases 24 cores, replaced by BR245 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
KD808 Mid advanced stage kidney cancer and metastatic carcinoma tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T102 Cervix cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
VLC12 Lung cancer tissue array, with TNM and grade info, 12 cases 12 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
PA805 Pancreatic cancer tissue array, with adjacent normal tissue and normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing PA802 US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T007 Multiple organ cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CO20810 Colon cancer survey tissue array (5 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
GI961 GI cancer (esophageal, gastric, liver, gall bladder, large intestine and small intestine carcinoma) tissue array, 48 cases 96 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
OV2089 Ovary cancer survey tissue array (5 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
BC001128 Top five cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 148 cases 175 cores US Biomax 485.00 € Publication
CO2088 Colon cancer survey tissue array (3 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
LV1502 Liver cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 75 cases 150 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
ST2001 Stomach cancer high density (200 cases 200 cores) tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade US Biomax 397.00 € Publication
BR8016 Middle advanced stage breast cancer tissue array, with metastasis tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
ES481 Esophageal cancer tissue array with matched or unmatched normal adjacent tissues (18 cases 48 cores) with stage and grade info; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 210.00 € Publication
RE803 Rectal cancer and normal tissue array, with TNM and grade info, 73 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T163 Nose, pharyngeal and laryngeal cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
KD1001 Kidney cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 25 cases 100 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T046 Lung cancer test tissue array (4x (2x3)array) including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
BC081116 Breast cancer (IDC) tissue array, with adjacent normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 110 cases 110 cores US Biomax 278.00 € Publication
CO701 Colon cancer tissue array, with grade 1 4 and normal colon tissue, 70 cases 70 cores, with stage and grade information US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
LV2161 Liver cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 216 cases 216 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
LC723 Lung cancer and adjacent normal tissue array, with TNM and grade info, 24 cases 72 cores, replacing BS04071 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T241 Soft tissue cancer test tissue array, with normal soft tissue control tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR2085c Breast cancer tissue array, with normal tissue and adjacent normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 188 cases 208 cores, replacing BR2085a US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
DI0159 ERBB3 & ERBB2 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
PR752 Prostate cancer and hyperplasia tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 75 cases 75 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T085 Breast cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores, replaced by T088 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BL1001 Bladder cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 25 cases 100 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
LV8010 Liver cancer and normal tissue array, with stage and grade info, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing BC03011 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
FMC406c Frozen multiple human organ cancer tissue array, including TNM and clinical stage, 40 cases 40 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 626.00 € Publication
OV20810 Ovary cancer survey tissue array (1 of 4), with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
TE242 Testis cancer tissue array, with adjacent normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing TE241 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
EMC1021 Endometrial cancer tissue array, 102 caese 102 cores US Biomax 225.00 € Publication
T112a Ovary cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing T112; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
CR2085 Cervix cancer survey tissue array (3 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T013 Stomach cancer test tissue array, with normal stomach tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
T031 Liver cancer test tissue array with normal liver tissues, with TNM, stage and grade info, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BC051110 Colon cancer and normal tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 120 cases 120 cores US Biomax 278.00 € Publication
CO241a Colon cancer tissue array with adjacent normal colon tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores, replacing CO241; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 105.00 € Publication
LV20811 Liver cancer survey tissue array (3 of 3), with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
OV6161 High density ovarian cancer array, with stage and grade information, 322 cases 616 cores US Biomax 753.00 € Publication
ES781 Esophagus cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 26 cases 78 cores, replacing BC02111 US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
LC2089 Lung cancer survey tissue array (3 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
MC807 Multiple types of cancer tissue array, with stage and TNM information, 40 cases 80 cores US Biomax 278.00 € Publication
T192 Prostate cancer test tissue array, with normal control tissue, including TNM, clinical stage, pathology grade, gleason grade and gleason score, 12 cases 24 cores, replaced by T195 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CR806 Mid advanced stage uterine cervix cancer tissue array, with metastasis tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
KD20810 Kidney cancer survey tissue array (1 of 3), with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
PR243 Prostate cancer and normal tissue array, with stage and grade info, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing PR241 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
T054a Colon cancer tissue array with normal colon tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing T054; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
UT1501 Uterus cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 75 cases 150 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
BC11012a Ovary cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 72 cases 72 cores, replacing BC11012; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 185.00 € Publication
LV245 Liver cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 24 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
T342 Head & Neck cancer test tissue array, with normal tongue and epiglottis control tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
DI0164 PTK2B & ERBB2 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
PR803a Prostate cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing PR803; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
T089 Breast cancer test tissue array (4x (2x3)array), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
T0014 Multiple organ cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CO1021 Colon cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 102 cases 102 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
OV2083 High density ovarian cancer tissue array with normal tissues, with stage and grade info, 69 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
EMC962 Endometrial cancer and normal tissue array, non overlapping with EMC961 48 cases 96 cores US Biomax 225.00 € Publication
LC10012 Lung non small cell cancer tissue array, with adjacent tissue and normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores, replacing LC1006 US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
MC245 Multiple cancer (12 type) and adjacent normal tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing MC242 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
T123 Bladder cancer test tissue array, with normal bladder tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
ES1921 Middle advanced stage esophagus cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 96 cases 192 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
LC20811 Lung cancer survey tissue array (5 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
MC601 Multi organ cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 60 cases 60 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
RE601 Colon and rectum cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 60 cases 60 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T142 Pancreatic cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR082 Breast cancer tissue array with HER2 IHC control, including TNM and pathology grade, 4 cases 8 cores US Biomax 112.00 € Publication
T042 Lung cancer test tissue array, with normal control tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replaced by T044 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BC06002 Rectum disease spectrum (rectum cancer progression) tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 63 cases 72 cores US Biomax 321.00 € Publication
LV2085 Liver cancer survey tissue array (2 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
OV803a Ovary cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing OV803; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
ST483a Stomach cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores, replacing ST483; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 185.00 € Publication
LC485 Lung cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
MGS801 Male genitourinary system tissue array with normal, inflammation, disease and cancer tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T212 Skin cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
KD2085 Kidney cancer survey tissue array (1 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
PR483a Prostate cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores, replacing PR483; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 210.00 € Publication
T073 Kidney cancer test tissue array, with normal kidney tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
UT481 Endometrium cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores US Biomax 278.00 € Publication
BC19021 Prostate cancer, adjacent normal tissue and normal tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 20 cases 72 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
LV485 Liver cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 48 cases 96 cores US Biomax 397.00 € Publication
FDA805-2 Multiple organ cancer and 6 types of normal organ tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 72 cases 72 cores, replaced by FDA808 2 US Biomax 278.00 € Publication
LC816 Advanced lung cancer and normal tissue array, with stage TNM and grade info, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
OV1004 Ovarian cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
SM208 Small intestine cancer, metastatic lymph nodes and normal tissue high density tissue microarray, 69 cases 208 core, with stage and grade data US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
BR243f Breast cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal breast tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores, replacing BR243a; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
DI0575 PLCG2 & ERBB2 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
T101 Cervix cancer test tissue array, with normal cervix control tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
VLC11 Lung cancer tissue array, with TNM and grade info, 11 cases 11 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BL244 Bladder cancer tissue array with matched adjacent bladder tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 105.00 € Publication
CR1921 Middle advanced stage uterine cervix cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 96 cases 192 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
PA804 Pancreatic cancer and normal tissue array, with stage and grade info, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T006 Multiple organ cancer and normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CO2081 Colon disease spectrum (colon cancer progression) tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 103 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
OV2088 Ovary cancer survey tissue array (4 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
TH8010 Thyroid cancer and normal tissue array, with stage and grade info, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
CO2087 Colon cancer survey tissue array (2 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
LV1003 Liver cancer tissue array, with HBV infection information, including TNM and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores US Biomax 314.00 € Publication
OV243 Ovary cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 24 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
ST1921 Middle advanced stage stomach cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 96 cases 192 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
BR8015 Breast cancer tissue array, with adjacent normal tissue and normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing BC08014 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
ES243 Esophagus cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 24 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
LC20816 Lung cancer tissue array (5 of 5), including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T045c Lung cancer test tissue array, with normal control tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing T045; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
BC081115 Breast cancer tissue array, with adjacent normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 110 cases 110 cores, replaced by BC081120 US Biomax 278.00 € Publication
LV2091 Liver cancer tissue array with normal liver tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 429.00 € Publication
T233 Testis cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM and clinical stage, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR2085b High density (188 cases 208 cores), multiple types of breast cancer tissue array of infiltrating ductal, lobular carcinoma and normal breast US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
PR751 Prostate cancer, PIN (prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia) and hyperplasia tissue array, 75 cases 75 cores, with grade and Gleason's Score data US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
BCN963 Multiple organ cancer and adjacent normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 78 cases 96 cores, replacing BCN961 US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
FMC405a Multiple organ cancer frozen tissue array, including pathology grade, 40 cases 40 cores, replacing FMC405; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 626.00 € Publication
BR482 Multiple breast cancer tissue array with normal tissues from autopsy, 24 cases 48 cores, with stage and grade info US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
EM1021 Endometrium cancer and normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 102 cases 102 cores US Biomax 314.00 € Publication
T112 Ovary cancer test tissue array, with normal control tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CR2084 Cervical cancer survey tissue array (2 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
LVC961 Liver cancer and normal tissue array, with TNM and grade info, non overlapping with LVC962, 48 cases 96 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
T012 Stomach cancer test tissue array, with normal control tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
T024 Esophageal cancer test tissue array (4x (2x3)array), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
BC041115a Lung cancer tissue array with normal lung tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 120 cases 120 cores, replacing BC041115; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
LV20810 Liver cancer survey tissue array (2 of 3), with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
OV485 Ovarian cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 48 cases 96 cores US Biomax 397.00 € Publication
ST2091 Stomach cancer tissue array with adjacent normal stomach tissue, including TNM and clinical stage, 208 cases 208 cores, replacing ST2001; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 487.00 € Publication
BR804a Breast cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 40 cases 80 cores, replacing BR804; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 267.00 € Publication
ES722 Esophageal cancer and adjacent tissue array, with stage and grade info, 30 cases 72 cores, replacing BC02023 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
LC2088 Lung cancer survey tissue array (2 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
T191 Prostate cancer test tissue array, with normal prostate control tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR1009 Breast cancer tissue array for antibody screening , including TNM and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
CR805 Cervix cancer and normal tissue array, with stage and grade info, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
PR242a Prostate cancer tissue array with adjacent normal prostate tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores, replacing PR242; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 105.00 € Publication
T053 Colon cancer test tissue array, with normal colon tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
UT1002 Endometrium cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
BC110118 Ovarian cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 72 cases 72 cores, replacing BC11012 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
CO802a Colon cancer tissue array with adjacent normal colon tissue, including TNM and clinical stage, 80 cases 80 cores, replacing CO802; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
LV244 Liver cancer tissue array, with stage and grade info, 8 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
ST805 Stomach cancer progression tissue array (containing normal, inflammation, hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma), 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
10-201 DNA (cytosine 5) methyltransferase 1 (Dnmt1), Active DNA methylation is significant for epigenetic regulation of gene expression, X chromosome inactivation, genomic imprinting, and development. Abber B-Bridge 300 units 363.30 € Publication
OR601a Oral squamous cell cancer tissue array with adjacent normal tongue tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 60 cases 60 cores, replacing OR601; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
SK721 Skin cancer and normal tissue array, with stage and grade info, 24 cases 72 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T273 Oral cavity cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 2 serial sections, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
DI0163 TGFA & ERBB2 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
KD485 Kidney cancer tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores US Biomax 189.00 € Publication
T088 Breast cancer tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores, replacing T085 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
T0013 Multiple organ cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
CNS801 Brain disease spectrum (brain cancer progression) tissue array, with stage, TNM and grade info, 79 cases 80 cores US Biomax 314.00 € Publication
OV2082 Ovary cancer tissue array with normal tissues, with TNM and grade info, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
EMC961 Endometrial cancer and normal tissue array, non overlapping with EMC962, 48 cases 96 cores US Biomax 225.00 € Publication
RE1503 Rectum cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 75 cases 150 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
T122 Bladder cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
LC20810 Lung cancer survey tissue array (4 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
MC5001 High density (495 cases 500 cores) tissue array of multiple organ cancer and normal, with stage and grade information, replaced by MC5002 US Biomax 634.00 € Publication
T141a Pancreas cancer test tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores, replacing T141; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
BR042a Breast cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 4 cases 4 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
T041 Lung cancer test tissue array, with normal lung control tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BC05118a Colon cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal colon tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores, replacing BC05118; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 296.00 € Publication
CO483 Multiple colon cancer tissue array with normal tissue control from autopsy, 48 cases 48 cores, with stage and grade information US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
LV2084 Liver cancer survey tissue array (1 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 516.00 € Publication
OV8010 Mid advanced stage ovary cancer tissue array, with metastasis tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
ST483 Multiple stomach cancer tissue array with normal tissue control from autopsy, 48 cases 48 cores, with stage and grade info US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
ES8012 Middle advanced stage esophageal cancer tissue array, with metastasis tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 278.00 € Publication
LC484 Lung cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T211 Skin cancer test tissue array, with normal skin control tissues, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR1922 Late stage breast cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 96 cases 192 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
KD2083 Kidney cancer tissue array with normal tissues, with stage and grade info, 69 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
PR483 Multiple prostate cancer tissue array with normal tissue control from autopsy, 48 cases 48 cores, with stage, grade and Gleason score info US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
UT243 Endometrium cancer tissue array with matched adjacent endometrium tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
LV484 Liver cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases 48 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
PA1921 Mid advanced stage pancreatic cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 96 cases 192 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
STC1021 Stomach cancer tissue array with normal and gastritis tissue control, having grade and stage info, 102 cases 102 cores US Biomax 225.00 € Publication
LC815 Lung cancer and normal tissue array with stage and grade info, 40 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
OV1003 Ovarian cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 25 cases 100 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
T423 Small intestine cancer test tissue array, with normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
BR243e Breast cancer tissue array with adjacent normal breast tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores, replacing BR243a; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
DI0244 EGFR & ERBB2 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
KD806 Advanced kidney cancer tissue array, with stage and grade info, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
PR808 Prostate cancer and normal tissue array, with TNM, stage, Gleason's score and grade info, 40 cases 80 cores, replacing BC19012 US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
T095 Endometrium cancer test tissue array (4x (2x3)array), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 90.00 € Publication
CR1501 Cervical cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 75 cases 150 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
T005 Multiple organ cancer and normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
OV2087 Ovary cancer survey tissue array (3 of 5), including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 104 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
ES1502 Esophageal cancer tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 75 cases 150 cores; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 258.00 € Publication
MD-05-0308 Mouse Anti-Influenza A Virus Nucleoprotein Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 452.00 € Publication
OV242 Multiple ovarian cancer test tissue array with unmatched normal adjacent tissues, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
1010-20C Caspase-Family Inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK Biovision 20 167.00 € Publication
K-6111 AccuPower DualStar qPCR PreMix ABI 7500 8 well strip, 12 strips 96 tests , optical film included Bioneer 50 ul 205.00 € Publication
1953-5 GSK-3 Inhibitor, AR-A014418; Appearance Off-white solid Biovision 5 mg 182.39 € Publication
K159-100 Caspase 9 Inhibitor Drug Screening Kit Biovision 100 assays 387.50 € Publication
TH806 Thyroid medullary cancer tissue array and normal tissues, 40 cases 80 cores, with grade and stage data US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
228-10818-2 Recombinant Human Interferon-alpha-2a, Tobacco-expressed Ray Biotech 25 290.00 € Publication
bs-3399R-A350 Rabbit Anti-Phospho-INPPL1(Tyr1135) Polyclonal Antibody, Alexa Fluor 350 conjugated,Isotype: IgG Sepax 100ug Lyophilized 346.00 € Publication
ME481a Melanoma tissue array with normal skin tissues, including TNM and clinical stage, 48 cases 48 cores, replacing ME481; ihc Anti-Actin confirmed US Biomax 185.00 € Publication
228-10899-3 Recombinant Human Interleukin-2 (IL-2) Ray Biotech 1 mg 1 146.00 € Publication
bsm-0862M-PE-Cy7 Mouse Anti-Insulin(1D4 ) Monoclonal Antibody, PE-Cy7 Conjugated Bioss 100ug 401.00 € Publication
I525001 Indinavir C36H49N5O8S CAS: 150378-17-9 TRC 10 mg 206.00 € Publication
IRKFAP0035-5ug Interleukins Recombinant Equine IFN gamma Innovative Research INC 245.00 € Publication
DS-MB-03365 Mouse Anti-Human Integrin alpha 9 beta 1 Ray Biotech 25 213.00 € Publication
000519A AKT1 (dn) Inducible ABM Goods 250ul 621.00 € Publication
126-10072 Goat Anti-Rat MARCH10, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
DI0107 GRAP2 & CSF1R Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-0290 Goat Anti-Human, Rat CCKBR, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
DI0279 APC & CTNNA1 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-0779 Goat Anti-Human KLK1, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
DI0444 CRK & PIK3R1 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-1270 Goat Anti-Human SBP2, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
ER-14-1662 Goat Anti- NDFIP1, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 257.00 € Publication
ES242 Multiple esophagus cancer test tissue array with matched or unmatched normal adjacent tissue, 11 cases 24 cores US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
228-11651-3 Rrecombinant Influenza HA (A Wyoming 3 03) Proteins Ray Biotech 100 1 658.00 € Publication
A-1109 ARQ-197 Mechanisms: c-MET inhbitor ActivBio 10mg 194.00 € Publication
RE801 Rectal cancer tissue array, with matched adjacent normal tissue, 40 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
1556-1000 GST Inhibitor 2 (Ethacrynic acid))1 g Biovision 1 g 121.00 € Publication
E-3100-3 includes 10 x reaction buffer, 20 mM MgCl2 Bioneer 500 Units 100.00 € Publication
A-1247 AT-13387 Mechanisms: Hsp90 inhibitor ActivBio 5mg 287.00 € Publication
DI0598 HDAC2 & HIF1A Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
IRB-N-100ml-NaCitrate Rabbit Plasma US Origin Innovative Grade™ 100ml Na Citrate Innovative Research INC 325.00 € Publication
FDA808-2 Multiple organ tumor tissue array with adjacent normal human organs, including TNM and pathology grade, 72 cases 72 cores, replacing FDA805 2 US Biomax 277.00 € Publication
228-10859-2 Recombinant Human Interleukin-11 (IL-11) Ray Biotech 10 290.00 € Publication
bs-0855R-A488 Rabbit Anti-Insulin Polyclonal Antibody, Alexa Fluor 488 conjugated,Isotype: IgG Sepax 100ug Lyophilized 323.00 € Publication
M21685657 1-Indanone oxime CAS: [3349-60-8] Molekula 25 g 175.00 € Publication
RBMS278R ELISA Human , Interleukin-5 Biovendor 96 wells (1 kit) 528.00 € Publication
bs-0641R-FITC Rabbit Anti-Integrin alpha 4 CD49d Polyclonal Antibody, FITC conjugated,Isotype: IgG Sepax 100ug Lyophilized 304.00 € Publication
M41324821 Indoline CAS Number [496 15 1] Molekula 100 G 135.00 € Publication
IRKFAP0331-5ug Interleukins Recombinant Chicken IFN alpha Innovative Research INC 245.00 € Publication
DI0057 CASP6 & APP Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-0177 Goat Anti-Human ARMET, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
DI0230 TP53 & HSPA1B Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-0613 Goat Anti-Human GATA5, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
DI0395 PXN & PTEN Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-1128 Goat Anti-Human Prion Protein (143-153), (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
ER-14-1579 Goat Anti- ABCA5, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 257.00 € Publication
228-10969-1 Recombinant Human Involucrin Ray Biotech 2 422.00 € Publication
ITSTC-SER Cancer samples: Testis Carcinoma Serum Innovative Research INC Each 302.00 € Publication
228-10961-3 Recombinant Influenza HA (A California 04 2009) Proteins Ray Biotech 100 1 658.00 € Publication
OV802 Multiple ovarian carcinoma and normal tissue array, with stage and TNM info, 78 cases 80 cores, replacing BC11011 US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
PR207b High density prostate cancer (1 4 grade) and normal prostate tissue array, 70 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
1108-20C Caspase-4 Inhibitor Z-LEVD-FMK Biovision 20 167.00 € Publication
AA0062 Inflammation (Mouse) Antibody Array (G) includes 40 highly specific and well-characterized antibodies on glass slide. Abnova 4 Arrays/Slide 731.00 € Publication
A-1085 RO-5126766 Mechanisms: Raf and MEK inhibitor ActivBio 5mg 428.00 € Publication
DI0546 PIK3R1 & SRC Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
Y051150 Anti human C1 Esterase Inhibitor ABM Goods 100μg 592.00 € Publication
BR20833 Breast tumor survey tissue array (2 of 5), with adjacent normal tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 208 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
128-10120-2 Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin-15 (IL-15) Ray Biotech 1 mg 566.00 € Publication
bs-0260R-Cy3 Rabbit Anti-Insulin Receptor Alpha Polyclonal Antibody, Cy3 Conjugated Bioss 100ug 369.00 € Publication
T386 Malignant melanoma test tissue array, with normal skin tissue, including TNM and clinical stage, 6 cases 24 cores, replacing T385 US Biomax 88.00 € Publication
IRKTAH2576 Human Interleukin 10 (IL-10) ELISA Kit Innovative Research INC 1 kit(96 Wells) 597.00 € Publication
AE1017a Integrin Beta 3 Antibody (Y773) Abgent 0.1 mg 385.00 € Publication
bs-0902R-Cy5.5 Rabbit Anti-IAA (Indole-3-Acetic Acid) Polyclonal Antibody, Cy5.5 conjugated, Isotype: IgG Sepax 100ug Lyophilized 268.00 € Publication
IRKFAP0195-5ug Interleukins Recombinant Canine TNF alpha Innovative Research INC 245.00 € Publication
DI0004 CCNB1 & PKMYT1 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
19-GEN-INSTOP InfectoSTOP Gentaur 25 ml 88.99 € Publication
126-10176 Goat Anti-Mouse APOBEC1, (internal region (near N Terminus)) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
DI0182 MMP7 & FASLG Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-0483 Goat Anti-Human EPB41L2 4.1G (aa 347 to 357), (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
DI0345 MAPK3 & RPS6KA2 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-0924 Goat Anti-Human NEDD1, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
DI0510 HSPA1L & MAP3K1 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
BC08014 Breast cancer (multiple types of breast cancer) tissue array, 63 cases 63 cores, replaced by BR8018 US Biomax 160.00 € Publication
ER-14-1441 Goat Anti-Human TGIF2, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
CO6161 High density colon cancer array, with stage, grade and normal colon tissue, 322 cases 616 cores US Biomax 753.00 € Publication
MD-14-0618 Rabbit Anti-Human Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Receptor 2 (VIP-R2) Antibodies Ray Biotech 20 223.00 € Publication
ICVXC-SER Cancer samples: Cervix Carcinoma Human Serum Innovative Research INC Each 302.00 € Publication
127-10039 Rabbit Anti-Influenza A Neuraminidase N1 Ray Biotech 100 742.00 € Publication
MD-14-0295P Influenza A H5N1 (Avian) Hemagglutinin (Mid-molecule) Influenza A (H5N1) HA Peptide Proteins Ray Biotech 50 452.00 € Publication
OV811 Ovarian cancer tissue array with normal tissues from autopsy, 35 cases 80 cores, with stage and grade data US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
1012-20C Caspase-1 Inhibitor Z-YVAD-FMK Biovision 20 167.00 € Publication
AA0012 AKT Phospho-Specific Array includes 137 highly specific and well-characterized phosphorylation antibodies in the AKT pathway. Abnova 2 Pieces/Box 776.00 € Publication
1983-5 Syk Inhibitor Biovision 5 mg 240.00 € Publication
ST801 Stomach cancer tissue array, with matched adjacent normal tissue, 40 cases 80 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
K278-1EA EZBlock™ Protease Inhibitor Cocktail III Biovision 1 set (5 x 1 ml) 221.00 € Publication
BC000120 Multi organ carcinoma tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 200 cases 200 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
mAP-0093 Rat monoclonal anti mouse Interferon gamma R1 Anti-Mouse antibodies AngoiPro 100.00 ug 310.00 € Publication
K903-500 InsertFinder PCR Quick Screening Kit Biovision 500 samples 303.00 € Publication
RE483 Rectum adenocarcinoma tissue array with matched adjacent rectum tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 16 cases 48 cores US Biomax 188.00 € Publication
228-10940-2 Recombinant Mouse Interleukin-6 Ray Biotech 10 290.00 € Publication
mAP-0099 Hamster anti mouse Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) Anti-Mouse antibodies AngoiPro 100.00 ug 310.00 € Publication
FDA902a FDA Standard Frozen Tissue Array, for therapeutic and diagnostic antibody validation for FDA approval, total 30 organs, 3 individual donors per organ, spanning two frozen tissue microarray slides, rep US Biomax 1 206.00 € Publication
IRKFAP0072-5ug Interleukins Recombinant Bovine TNF alpha Innovative Research INC 245.00 € Publication
BS-060102-AAI INTELIWASHER Microplate washer Biosan each 3 264.82 € Publication
bs-7605R-Cy7 Rabbit Anti-Cell death inducing protein C16orf5 Polyclonal Antibody, Cy7 conjugated Isotype: IgG Sepax 100ug Lyophilized 268.00 € Publication
126-10094 Goat Anti-Human HMGB3 HMG4, (internal region (near C Terminus)) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
DI0124 PECAM1 & CTNNB1 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-0338 Goat Anti- CITED2 (Internal), (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 257.00 € Publication
DI0296 CDK4 & SMAD3 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-0814 Goat Anti- Lipophilin B SCGB1D2, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 257.00 € Publication
DI0460 HSPB1 & TP53 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
A00084 CA125, Ovarian Cancer Antigen; Clone Ov185 1 Scy tek 6 ml Ready-to-use 106.00 € Publication
ER-14-1311 Goat Anti- Six3b (zebrafish), (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 257.00 € Publication
ER-14-1687 Goat Anti- SERPINB11, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 257.00 € Publication
BR805 Breast infiltrating lobular carcinoma tissue array, 80 cases 80 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
LC6161 High density lung cancer array, with stage, grade and normal lung tissue, 322 cases 616 cores US Biomax 753.00 € Publication
DS-MB-03440 Mouse Anti-Influenza B Matrix Protein M1 Antibodies Ray Biotech 0.2 mg 257.00 € Publication
MTU241 Multiple tumor and normal tissue array, with 12 major types of cancer paired with matched NAT, 12 cases 24 cores US Biomax 166.00 € Publication
DS-01-0506 Recombinant Human Inhibin beta A Ray Biotech 10 604.00 € Publication
SFBIU-0050HI Sterile filtered fetal bovine serum, low IgG, 50ml, heat inactivated Equitech 50 ml 145.95 € Publication
1716-1 SCD1 Inhibitor; Appearance Crystalline solid Biovision 1 mg 177.66 € Publication
SK2081 Skin disease spectrum (dermatic cancer progression) tissue array, 102 cases 208 cores US Biomax 456.00 € Publication
bs-9920R-FITC Rabbit Anti-G protein alpha Inhibitor 2 Polyclonal Antibody, FITC conjugated,Isotype: IgG Sepax 100ug Lyophilized 304.00 € Publication
DI0614 HDAC2 & HDAC1 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
IRB-SER-50ml Rabbit Serum US Origin Innovative Grade™ 50ml Innovative Research INC 185.00 € Publication
LC10011 Non small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases 100 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
228-10870-1 Recombinant Porcine Interleukin-15 (IL-15) Ray Biotech 2 201.00 € Publication
bsm-0855M-A350 Mouse Anti-Insulin(1G11) Monoclonal Antibody, Alexa Fluor 350 conjugated,Isotype: IgG Sepax 100ug Lyophilized 323.00 € Publication
B275750 1-Benzyl-3-[3-(diethylamino)propoxy]-1H-indazole� C21H27N3O � CAS: 47448-66-8� TRC 50 mg 232.00 € Publication
RBMS629R ELISA Rat , Interleukin-10 Biovendor 96 wells (1 kit) 491.00 € Publication
bs-1274R-A488 Rabbit Anti-Integrin alpha E CD103 Polyclonal Antibody, Alexa Fluor 488 conjugated,Isotype: IgG Sepax 100ug Lyophilized 323.00 € Publication
A800520 D,L-7-Aza-3-indolylglycine, Methyl Ester, Hydrochloride C10H12ClN3O2 CAS: 1219429-37-4 TRC 50 mg 193.00 € Publication
126-10014 Goat Anti- TFAP2D, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 257.00 € Publication
DI0074 FADD & BID Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-0210 Goat Anti-Human, Mouse BAALC, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
DI0247 AKT1 & IKBKB Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-0649 Goat Anti-Human GOT1 (aa 157-167), (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
DI0412 CDKN1A & CCNA1 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-1165 Goat Anti-Mouse Pyruvate Carboxylase, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
ER-14-1606 Goat Anti- ATP7A, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 257.00 € Publication
CXC961 Cervical cancer and normal tissue array, non overlapping with CXC962, 48 cases 96 cores US Biomax 225.00 € Publication
228-11155-1 Recombinant Influenza A Virus (H3N2) Hemagglutinin, New York 55 04 Ray Biotech 2 201.00 € Publication
M1597 pCAMBIA1305.2 Vector (Secretory GusPlus™ Hygromycin B Kanamycin Resistant Plant Expression Vector), Restriction sites for modular plasmid modifications, pUC18 poly-linker, kanamycin and hygromycin B r MarkerGene 186.00 € Publication
11553 Amplite™ Fluorimetric Peroxidase Assay Kit *Near Infrared Fluorescence* AAT Bioquest 1 kit 280.00 € Publication
PR721 Prostate cancer normal prostate tissue array with TNM, grade and Gleason scores, 24 cases 72 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
1115-20C Caspase-13 Inhibitor LEED-FMK ; Appearance Liquid Biovision 20 171.99 € Publication
AA0078 Cytokine (Human) Antibody Array includes 54 highly specific and well-characterized antibodies on membrane. Abnova 4 Membranes/Box 888.00 € Publication
A-1126 NVP-LDE-225 Mechanisms: Hedgehog inhibitor ActivBio 10mg 217.00 € Publication
DI0564 KLK3 & FN1 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
SIH-156-100MG Piperlongumine inhibitors Stressmarq 361.00 € Publication
BR963 Breast disease spectrum tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, stage, TNM and IHC markers (AR, PR, ER, Her 2, Ki67, CK14 and p53), 48 cases 96 cores, replacing BR962 US Biomax 314.00 € Publication
200-17 Mouse Interleukin-2 IL-2 Shenandoah Biotechnology, Inc. 5ug 113.40 € Publication
bs-0290R-Biotin Rabbit Anti-Insulin Receptor Beta Polyclonal Antibody, Biotin Conjugated Bioss 100ug 369.00 € Publication
291-59201 GLP 1 ELISA Kit, Rat Glucagon like peptide 1 (GLP 1) is an incretin hormone, which is synthesized in intestinal endocrine cells. This peptide is known to increase insulin secretion by glucose stimulat B-Bridge 96 assays 1 040.55 € Publication
mAP-0267 Rat monoclonal anti mouse Interleukin 20 Anti-Mouse antibodies AngoiPro 100.00 ug 310.00 € Publication
bs-0342R-PE Rabbit Anti-Integrin beta 3 ITGB3 CD61 Polyclonal Antibody, PE Conjugated Bioss 100ug 369.00 € Publication
M20939351 trans Indole 3 acrylic acid CAS Number [29953 71 7] Molekula 1 G 86.00 € Publication
IRKFAP0246-5ug Interleukins Recombinant Equine IL-8 Innovative Research INC 245.00 € Publication
DI0020 PTK2 & CRKL Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
cAP-0018GFP GFP Expressing Human Internal Mammary Artery Endothelial Cells AngoiPro 1.00 flask 830.00 € Publication
DI0198 FGFR2 & FGF1 Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-0519 Goat Anti-Human FBP17 FNBP1, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
DI0361 ATF4 & FOS Protein Protein Interaction Antibody Pair Abnova 1 Set 765.00 € Publication
ER-14-0959 Goat Anti-Human NODAL, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 353.00 € Publication
BCN962 Combined multiple normal and cancer tissue array, containing germline, embryonic tumors and normal adjacent tissue, 60 cases 96 cores US Biomax 231.00 € Publication
ER-14-1475 Goat Anti- Transmembrane protein 37, (internal region) Antibodies Ray Biotech 100 μg 257.00 € Publication
CO992 Colorectal (colon and rectum) cancer with matched lymph node metastasis and normal adjacent tissue array, 43 cases 99 cores US Biomax 266.00 € Publication
22900 Cell Meter™ Fluorimetric Intracellular Total ROS Activity Assay Kit*Green Fluorescence* AAT Bioquest 1 kit 202.00 € Publication
228-11201-3 Native Parainfluenza Virus Type-2, inactivated virions Ray Biotech 1 mg 2 698.00 € Publication
128-10140-1 Rabbit Anti-Influenza B Ray Biotech 5 201.00 € Publication
MD-14-0893 Mouse Anti-Influenza A Virus Nucleoprotein Antibodies Ray Biotech 1 mg 411.00 € Publication
1073-20C Caspase-2 Inhibitor Z-VDVAD-FMK Biovision 20 167.00 € Publication
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