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Search results for: Sheep Anti-Morphine Antibodies


#7128788   // To Up

[Induction of the formation of morphine-binding spleen cells as a manifestation of the immune reaction].

A method has been devised for the preparation of sheep red blood cells sensitized by covalent morphine binding. The cells were used as a reagent in rosette formation and passive hemagglutination for revealing the immune response in rats and mice immunized with the morphine-BSA conjugate. It has been shown that hyperimmunization of the animals with the antigen mentioned together with the production of antimorphine antibodies, induces the formation of mononuclear spleen cells which bind morphine.
I E Kovalev, O Iu Polevaia, L A Basharova

1300 related Products with: [Induction of the formation of morphine-binding spleen cells as a manifestation of the immune reaction].

1 kit100.00 ul10 assays1 kit100 196T25 Tests

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