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Search results for: Sheep Anti-Streptokinase Antibodies


#170573   // To Up

[Serological screening of streptococci. Comparison of 2 methods of slide agglutination, one with streptolysin alone, the other with several enzymes (Streptozymes)].

Using 100 sera randomly selected, the clinical characteristis of which were known, we compared two methods of rapid detection of streptococcal infections by slide agglutination. One was the classical latex test for detection of anti-streptolysin O, the other was the streptozyme test. The latter reagent detects the presence of 5 streptococcal antibodies, anti-streptolysin O, anti-streptokinase, anti-streptohyaluronidase, anti-desoxyribonuclease and anti-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotidase. It was found to be more sensitive than the latex test, for antistreptolysin O. Estimations of A.S.K. and A.S.H. confirmed also the greater specificity of the streptozyme test and showed that, thanks to the presence of supplementary enzymes, it may be positive earlier than the A.S.O. latex test. Finally, used as a semi-quantitative method, streptozyme is useful to follow up approximately in the laboratory, the course of streptococcal infections.
de Rautlin Y de la Roy

2377 related Products with: [Serological screening of streptococci. Comparison of 2 methods of slide agglutination, one with streptolysin alone, the other with several enzymes (Streptozymes)].

5 G2 Sample Kit8 Sample Kit2000 IU4 Sample Kit200ul

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#4548453   // To Up

[Lymphocyte transformation with streptococcus antigens and anti-streptokinase titer in behçet disease (author's transl)].

M Yamada, F Fujimoto, K Uragami, H Yoshinaga, K Kawai

2394 related Products with: [Lymphocyte transformation with streptococcus antigens and anti-streptokinase titer in behçet disease (author's transl)].

500 tests 50 UG500 tests1-99 mg/ml/ea price x 21-99 mg/ml/ea price x 2100 μg100 μg

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#5544286   // To Up

Comparison of the streptozyme test with the antistreptolysin O, antideoxyribonuclease B, and antihyaluronidase tests.

The streptozyme test was compared with the antistreptolysin O (ASO), antideoxyribonuclease B (ADN-B), and antihyaluronidase (AH) tests. One hundred and twenty-seven human serum specimens were tested by each of the four tests. The streptozyme test detected more specimens with elevated titers than any single test; however, it was not as effective as the combination of the ASO and ADN-B tests. The streptozyme test appears to be particularly useful for laboratories which rely solely on the ASO test for serological evidence of a streptococcal infection. The test can be used in these laboratories to screen all specimens with low ASO titers (<170) for the detection of ADN, AH, antinicotinamide adenine dinucleotidase, and antistreptokinase.
G C Klein, W L Jones

1272 related Products with: Comparison of the streptozyme test with the antistreptolysin O, antideoxyribonuclease B, and antihyaluronidase tests.

1000 tests1,000 tests1,000 tests1000 tests1000 tests1000 TESTS/0.65ml1000 tests100 Tests100 TESTS100 TESTS

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